Compilation of the phrases most used by lawyers
By Francisco Aveiro
1. A fortiori: Argument by reason of the strongest..
2. A maiori ad minus: Argument from major to minor
3. A minori ad maius: Argument from minor to major
4. A non domino: Argument of the non-owner
5. A pari: Argument based on similarity and equality reasons
6. A posteriori: Argument of the preceding
7. A priori: From the beginning
8. Ab initio: From the beginning
9. Ab intestato: Without having made a will
10. Ab utraque parte: On one side and on the other
11. Abusus non usus, sed corruptela: Abuse is not use, it is corrupt
12. Accesorium non ducit, sed sequitur suum principalei: The accessory follows the fate of the main
13. Acta publica probanti se ipsa: Public instruments prove themselves
14. Actio damni infecti: Action for damages
15. Actio de in rem verso: Enrichment action without cause
16. Actio in personam: Personal action
17. Actio in rem scripta: Real action
18. Actio semel extincta non reviviscit: The extinguished action does not revive
19. Actore non probante, reus absolvitur: If the actor does not prove, the defendant is acquitted
20. Actori incumbis onus probandi: The actor has the burden of proof
21. Ad calenda graecas: Deadline that never has to be met
22. Ad efesios: Completely out of the question
23. Ad effectum vivendi: For the purpose of being seen
24. Ad hoc: Argument referred to the case that is considered
25. Ad nutum: At will
26. Ad referéndum: On condition of being approved by another subject
27. Addenda: Additions to a written work
28. Ad libitum: To taste
29. Ad pedem litterae: To the letter
30. Ad solemnitatem: Solemnity required for the validity of the act
31. Ad valorem: At the value
32. Aequitas praefertur rigori: Equity is preferable to rigor
33. Affectio societatis: Intention to constitute a company
34. Affirmanti incumbit probatio: To whom it affirms, the test is incumbent
35. Alieni iuris: Being subject to the power of another
36. Animus confidenti: Willingness to confess
37. Animus domini: Intention to be an owner
38. Animus laedendi: Intention to injure
39. Animus rem sibi habendi: Intention to have the thing for oneself
40. Bis de eadem re ne sit actio: Do not repeat the action for the same matter
41. Bonae fidei possessor suos facit fructus consumptos: The possessor in good faith makes the consumed fruits his own
42. Calumniare est falsa crimina intendere: Slandering is imputed to false crimes
43. Casus belli: Case of war
44. Casus fortuitus a mora excusat: The fortuitous case excuses the default
45. Causa criminalis non praeiudicat civile: The criminal case does not prejudge the civil
46. Causa judicati individua est: Res judicata is indivisible
47. Causa petendi: Facts alleged as the basis of the claim
48. Cessante ratione legis, lex ipsa cessat: Ceasing the motive of the law, the law itself ceases
49. Citra petitum: Stop solving questions raised
50. Compensatio lucri cum damno: The profit obtained by the injured party is compensated with the damage
51. Concilium fraudis: fraudulent concert
52. Corpus delicti: Body of the crime.
53. De auditu: Of hearsay
54. De facto: In fact.
55. De iure: Of right
56. De lege ferenda: Of a law to be enacted
57. De lege lata: Of a current law.
58. De motu proprio: On its own initiative.
59. De visu et de audito: For having seen and heard them
60. Divulgatio legis: Publicity of the law.
61. Dolus non praesumitur: The idol is not presumed
62. Dura lex, sed lex: The law is hard, but it is the law
63. Electa una via, non datur recursus ad aliam: Chosen a way, it is not possible to resort to another
64. Erga omnes: In front of everyone
65. Error in iudicando: Judicial error in the background.
66. Error in procedendo: Judicial error of form.
67. Ex nihilo, nihil: Out of nowhere, nothing
68. Ex nunc: From now
69. Ex officio: Ex officio.
70. Ex post facto: After the fact.
71. Ex tunc: Since then
72. Exceptio firmat regulam: The exception confirms the rule
73. Exceptio non adimpleti contractus: Exception of breach of contract.
74. Extra commercium: Outside of trade.
75. Extra petitum: Out of the requested.
76. Favor matrimonii: In favor of the validity of marriage
77. Ficta confessio: Ficta confession
78. Hic et nunc: Here and now
79. Honeste vivere, neminem laedere, suum cuique tribuere: Living honestly, not harming another, giving each one his own
80. Ibidem: In the same place.
81. Ignorantia facti, non iuris excusatur: Ignorance of the fact is excused, but not the right
82. In articulo mortis: Celebrated in the vicinity of death
83. In dubio pro debitoris: In doubt, you must be in favor of the debtor's release
84. In dubio pro operario: In doubt, we must be in favor of the worker
85. In dubio pro possesore: In doubt, we must be in favor of the possessor
86. In dubio pro reo: In doubt, we must be in favor of the accused
87. In dubio semper id, quod minus est, debetur: In doubt it is always because what is less
88. In extenso: In its entirety.
89. In fine: In the end.
90. In ius vocatio: Called in justice.
91. In limine: At the beginning.
92. In limine litis: At the beginning of the process.
93. In situ: On the same site.
94. In solidum: jointly and severally
95. In terminis: In the terms themselves.
96. Interpretatio largo sensu: Interpretation in a general sense
97. Interpretario stricto sensu: Interpretation in strict sense
98. Intuitu personae: In consideration of the person
99. Invito domino: Against the will of the owner
100. Ipsa natura rei: The very nature of things
101. Iter criminis: Path of crime
102. Iura novit curia: The judge knows the right
103. Iure imperii: Act of the State as authority
104. Iure proprio: In its own right
105. Iuris sanguinis: By right of blood or kinship
106. Iuris soli: By right of land or territory
107. Iuris dictio: Declaration of the right
108. Iuris et de iure: Presumption that the evidence to the contrary is not admissible
109. Iuris tantum: Presumption that admits the evidence to the contrary
110. Ius gentium est quod naturalis ratio inter omnes homines constituit: The law of nations is that which natural reason has established among all men
111. Ius est ars boni et aequi: Law is the art of the good and the equitable
112. Iustitia est constants et perpetua voluntas ius suum cuique tribuere: Justice is the constant and perpetual will to give each one his own
113. Latu sensu: Broadly speaking
114. Legitimatio ad causam: Logical identity that must exist between the owner of the action and who exercises it
115. Lex domicilii: Law of the domicile
116. Lex loci celebrationis: Law of the place of celebration
117. Lex loci executionis: Law of the place of execution of the obligation
118. Lex posterior derogat priori: The later law repeals the previous one
119. Lex posterior generalis not derogat priori speciali: The subsequent law does not repeal the previous special law
120. Lex rei sitae: Law of the place where the thing is
121. Litis denuntiatio: denounced lawsuit
122. Litiscontestatio: Opening a process on demand and responding
123. Locus regit actum: The place of celebration, governs the act
124. Manu militari: For armed force
125. Mens legis: Will of the legislator
126. Ne procedat iudex ex officio: The judge does not proceed ex officio
127. Negotiorum gestio: Business management
128. Nemo dat quod non habet: Nobody gives, what does not have
129. Nemo esse iudex in sua causa potest: No one can be a judge in his own cause
130. Nemo inauditus condemnetur: Do not condemn anyone, without being heard
131. Nemo plus iuris ad alium transferre potest, quam ipse haberet: No one can transmit to another more right than he has
132. Nemo tenetur edere contra se: No one can be forced to offer evidence against him
133. Nihil obstat: Nothing is against
134. Non bis in idem: Not twice for the same cause
135. Nullum crimen, nulla poena sine lege: there is no crime or punishment without law
136. Obiter dicta: Arguments that corroborate the main decision
137. Obligatio est iuris vinculum, quo neccesitate adstringimur alicuis rei solvendae secundum iura nostrae civitatis: The obligation is a link that compels us to comply with a provision according to the laws of our city
138. Occasio legis: Conditions that generated the law
139. Omisso medio: What is in the middle is omitted
140. Pacta legem contractui dant: The pacts give force to the contract
141. Pacta sunt servanda: Covenants are to be fulfilled
142. Par conditio creditorum: Equality of creditors
143. Per capita: per head
144. Plus petitio: Claim for an amount greater than due
145. Post scriptum: After written
146. Prior tempore, prior iure: First in time, first in the right
147. Pro rata parte: Provided to
148. Procurator in rem suam: Procuring in own cause
149. Qui tacet consentire videtur: silence gives consent
150. Quid pro quo: One thing for another
151. Ratio iuris: Right reason
152. Ratio legis: Purpose of the law
153. Ratione loci: Because of the place
154. Rationae materiae: On the subject
155. Rationae personae: Due to the person
156. Rationae quantitatis: Due to the quantity
157. Rationae territorii: Due to the territory
158. Rebus sic stantibus: That things remain in that state
159. Reformatio in melius: Reform in a favorable sense
160. Reformatio in peius: Reform in the unfavorable sense
161. Res non verba: Facts not words
162. Res nullius: Nobody's thing
163. Res perit domino: The thing perishes for its owner
164. Sine die: No fixed term
165. Stare decisis: Be as decided
166. Status quo: keep the way it is
167. Terminus a quo: Term from which
168. Terminus ad quem: Term to which
169. Thema decidendi: Decision theme
170. Ultra petitum: More than requested
171. Ultra vires hereditatis: Obliged beyond hereditary estate
172. Ut infra: As below
173. Ut supra: As above
174. Uti possidetis iuris: As you possess, according to law, you will continue to possess
175. Verba volant, scripta manent: Words fly, writings endure
176. Vinculum iuris: Right link
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